Xbox Console Banned on First Use

I recently purchased an Xbox from a marketplace seller, but unfortunately, it's been banned. The problem is, I can no longer reach the previous owner. Is there anyone who can offer some assistance or guidance on what to do in this situation?

Sorry to hear that your brand new Xbox got banned right out of the box. That’s super frustrating, especially since you can’t contact the previous owner.

Basic Steps to Check and Resolve the Issue

The first thing you should do is see if the ban is on the account or the console itself. Here’s what to do:

  1. Visit to check if the suspension is eligible for a case review. Sadly, not every suspension can be reviewed.
  2. Make sure you didn’t violate any Microsoft Services Agreement. If you did, your account might be suspended or your device banned by the Xbox Live Policy & Enforcement Team.

Understanding Enforcement Actions

  • Account ban: Blocks your profile from accessing Xbox services and network. You can’t even redownload your games.
  • Console ban: Suspends or permanently bans the Xbox console or device.
  • Case review: Only available for some suspensions. Submit the case if eligible.

Possible Solutions

If the suspension is eligible for a case review, you can submit it on the enforcement website. If not, you might need to buy a new Xbox. Since the previous owner is unreachable, you could also try contacting the marketplace seller for assistance.