Windows Media Player Not Functioning Properly

Recently, I've encountered issues with syncing playlists with my mp3 player, despite the option still being available.

I've also lost the ability to save and load playlists from specific locations, a feature I frequently used in the past.

It seems like the company is prioritizing changes over customer satisfaction, replacing functional software with inferior alternatives.

This trend is evident in the replacement of Internet Explorer with Edge, which lacks intelligence.

Can someone help me figure out how to add a playlist from an external SSD to my playlist list in the current version of Windows Media Player?

Note: This issue is specific to Windows Media Player Version 12.0.19041.4477 and not related to Windows DVD Player.

Hey there Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with Windows Media Player. I’m happy to help you out.

First, let’s tackle the issue with adding a playlist from an external SSD to your playlist list. Here’s what you can try:

  1. Open Windows Media Player and click on the File menu.
  2. Select Open and then Open Playlist.
  3. Navigate to the location of your external SSD and select the playlist file (.wpl or .m3u) you want to add.
  4. Click Open to import the playlist.

If you’re still having trouble, try the following:

  • Make sure your external SSD is properly connected and recognized by your system.
  • Check the file permissions on your SSD to ensure Windows Media Player has access to read the playlist file.
  • Try creating a new playlist in Windows Media Player and then importing the playlist from your SSD.

Regarding the issues with syncing playlists with your mp3 player, I’d recommend checking the following:

  • Ensure your mp3 player is properly connected and recognized by your system.
  • Check the device settings in Windows Media Player to ensure it’s set up correctly.
  • Try resetting the device settings or reinstalling the device driver.

As for the wider issues with Windows Media Player, I understand your frustration. It’s true that Microsoft has been prioritizing changes and updates over customer satisfaction in some cases. However, it’s worth noting that Windows Media Player is still a functional app, and many users rely on it for their media needs.

If you’re still having trouble with Windows Media Player, you might want to consider alternative media players like VLC or Foobar2000. They offer more features and customization options, and might be a better fit for your needs.

Hope this helps Let me know if you have any further questions or issues.