When does pre-order payment get charged: 2 days or 7-10 days before release?

I'm confused about when I'll be charged for the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Some people say it'll be 7-10 days before release, while others claim it's not until the pre-loading period. Can someone clarify this for me?

Hey there, I totally get why you’re confused. The pre-order charging process can vary depending on the platform and your location, but I’ll try to break it down for you.

For most platforms like Steam, PlayStation Store, and Xbox Store, your pre-order payment typically gets charged 2 days before the release date. This allows time for the transaction to process and for the game to be ready for download on the release date.

Now, the 7-10 days before release date you might’ve heard about is related to the pre-loading period. This is when the game becomes available for download, but it won’t be playable until the release date. Think of it like having the game on your hard drive, but with a digital lock that only opens on the release date.

Here’s a step-by-step timeline to help you understand the process better:

  1. 7-10 days before release: The game becomes available for pre-loading. You can download the game, but it won’t be playable yet.
  2. 2 days before release: Your pre-order payment gets charged. This ensures that your payment is processed and the game is ready to unlock on the release date.
  3. Release date: The game unlocks, and you can start playing.

Keep in mind that this might vary slightly depending on your region and the specific store you purchased from. If you’re still unsure, you can always check with the store’s customer support for more information.

Hope this clears up any confusion, and you can get ready to dive into the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC without any worries