Whats the Question?


Hey there,

It seems like you’re asking for help with Bing’s “What’s the Question” feature. Am I right? If so, I’d be happy to assist you.

The “What’s the Question” feature in Bing is actually a pretty cool tool. It helps you figure out the correct question related to the text you enter. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Head over to Bing: Go to Bing.com in your web browser. Make sure you’re on the main search page.

  2. Type your text: Enter the text you want to find a question for. This could be a sentence, a phrase, or even just a few words. For example, let’s say you type “How to make chocolate chip cookies.”

  3. Click the ‘What’s the Question’ button: Just below the search bar, you’ll see a button that says “What’s the Question.” Click on it.

  4. Get your answer: Bing will then display a list of potential questions related to the text you entered. In our cookie example, the questions might include “How do you make chocolate chip cookies?” or “What’s the best way to make chocolate chip cookies?”

The tool is pretty handy if you’re not sure what question to ask or if you need some inspiration for questions.