Whats behind Microsofts frustrating decisions?

I’m having trouble downloading apps because I need permission from someone else, which is frustrating since I’m an adult with no family members on my account. I’m unable to speak with a customer support representative and the automated system lacks common sense. I’ve wasted a lot of money on Microsoft products and it’s unbelievable that I can’t find a solution to disable or remove this permission requirement. The automated system is also unable to transfer my call to a human representative.

Hey there, I totally get why you’re frustrated with the permission thing on your Microsoft account. Don’t worry, I’m here to help you out.

First off, let’s tackle the permission issue. Since you’re an adult with no family members on your account, this shouldn’t be happening. Here are some steps to help you turn off the permission requirement:

Manage Your Account Permissions

  1. Check Your Account Type: Ensure you’re using an administrator account on your laptop. This should give you full control over your account settings.

  2. Turn Off Home Security Feature: Disable the home security feature if you haven’t done so already. This might be causing the permission prompts.

  3. Modify User Account Settings: Go to Settings > Family settings > Manage family members. Select your account and disable any parental control settings related to permissions.

If these steps don’t solve the issue, you can also try managing your permissions directly on the app level. Here’s how:

Manage App Permissions

  1. Access the My Apps Portal: Go to the My Apps portal and hover over the app giving you permission issues.
  2. Manage Permissions: Select the menu and then Manage your application. Review the permissions granted and revoke any unnecessary ones.

In addition, if you’re using SharePoint or Microsoft 365 sites, you might need to manage access requests or permissions there too. You can check out these settings under Site Permissions.

If none of these steps help, try contacting Microsoft support again and ask to speak with a human representative. Explain the issue clearly and the steps you’ve taken to troubleshoot.

I hope this helps, and you’re able to download apps without any more permission headaches Good luck