Waiting time for unblocking Outlook email account - Does 72 hours include weekends?

After submitting the form to unblock my Outlook email account, I received an email stating that it would take 72 hours to get a response. I'm curious to know if this timeframe includes weekends or only weekdays.

If you’ve submitted a form to unblock your Outlook email account and received a message saying it’ll take 72 hours, you’re probably wondering if this timeframe includes weekends or just weekdays.

In this case, the waiting period is quite straightforward. Microsoft’s automated account recovery process typically works on a standard timeline, which is not affected by weekends. This means the 72-hour waiting period includes weekends, not just weekdays. It’s possible that you might not receive a response during the weekends, but the clock is still ticking.

It’s also worth noting that, after submitting the unblocking form, it’s normal not to receive emails for a specific time. This can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours after your account is unblocked. During this time, you can try checking your Junk folder, mailbox limits, Inbox filter settings, and Blocked senders and Safe senders lists to ensure everything is in order.

Remember that the unblocking process is automated, so the Microsoft community or support teams can’t assist in speeding it up. Stick to the recommended steps and resources provided, and you should get your account back up and running within the specified timeframe.