VBA Looping Through Cells in a Table Column: Possible Solutions?

I need to repeatedly paste a specific line of text at the top of each cell in a column, while preserving existing text in those cells. This requires placing the cursor above the existing text.

I attempted to record a macro, but it only captures consecutive pastes, not the necessary cursor movement to the beginning of each cell in the column.

Can anyone suggest how to create a loop like:

' Text already copied

For each cell in ActiveTable.Column (3)



To repeatedly paste a specific line of text at the top of each cell in a column while preserving existing text in those cells, you can use a loop in VBA. Here’s how you can accomplish this:

  1. Setup:

    • Open the Visual Basic Editor: Press Alt + F11 or navigate to the Developer tab and click Visual Basic in the Microsoft Office suite.
    • Create a new module: In the Project Explorer (left pane), right-click on your workbook and select Insert > Module.
  2. Code:

    • Paste Special Values:
      Sub PasteAtTopOfCells()
          Dim targetRange As Range
          Dim textToPaste As Variant
          Dim cell As Range
          ' Text you want to paste
          textToPaste = "Your line of text"
          ' Set target range (e.g., all cells in column 3)
          Set targetRange = Range("C1", Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
          ' Loop through each cell in the target range
          For Each cell In targetRange
              ' Store current value
              Dim existingText As String
              existingText = cell.Value
              ' Paste text at the top and combine with existing text
              cell.Value = textToPaste & " " & existingText
          Next cell
      End Sub
  3. Run:

    • Run the macro: Click Run or press F5 in the Visual Basic Editor.
    • Assign to a button (optional):
      • Insert a button: Go back to your worksheet, click Insert, then Shapes, and choose any button.
      • Right-click on the button, select Assign Macro, and choose your macro (PasteAtTopOfCells).

This macro will paste the specified text at the beginning of each cell in the specified range, keeping the existing text.