Using Copilot GPT as a Designer

Dear Support Team,

I need help accessing the photo editing section. I want to edit photos, including faces, and I confirm that I own the photos. I appreciate the services you provide.

Thank you very much,

Hey there, designer!

From what I gather, you’re reaching out to the support team for help accessing the photo editing section, specifically for editing faces, and you own the photos.

Let’s cut to the chase: I’ll guide you through the process. Here are the steps to access the photo editing section:

  1. Ensure You Have the Right Tab Open: Make sure you’re in the design workspace of Copilot GPT. If you’re not sure, check the top navigation or the URL – it should be something like design.copilot.gpt/....

  2. Access the Image Editing Tools: Click on the image you want to edit. This should open the image editing sidebar. If the sidebar doesn’t open, try right-clicking on the image and selecting “Edit image” from the context menu.

  3. Face Editing Options: Once the sidebar is open, look for the “Edit” or “Enhance” button. This might be labeled differently depending on the specific design workspace you’re in, but it should be pretty obvious. Click on that, and you’ll find the face editing options.

Confusion? If you’re still having trouble finding the face editing tools or accessing the photo editing section, please provide more details about your workflow or any error messages you’re seeing. We’ll get you sorted out.

Remember, if you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Happy designing