US vs UK English: Why Do I Get Different Grammar Error Results?


As a translator, I create documents for clients in both US and UK English. I rely on Microsoft Word's proofing tools (Spelling & Grammar checks) to ensure quality.

I've noticed that Word detects many more grammar issues when the proofing language is set to US English compared to UK English.

Further investigation revealed that UK English proofing overlooks numerous obvious grammar errors, including missing words, spelling mistakes, and tense/agreement issues, which are caught when the document language is set to US English.

Can anyone explain why this happens or suggest a solution to this problem?


Hey there, fellow Word user!

I can totally understand your frustration. Here’s the thing: the grammar and spelling checks in Microsoft Word are powered by different dictionaries and algorithms for US and UK English. This means that the rules and exceptions programmed for one variety of English might not be exactly the same as those for the other.

Here are a few possible reasons why you’re seeing more grammar errors detected in US English:

  1. Different grammar rules: US and UK English have some differences in grammar rules, such as the use of collective nouns (e.g., “team” is singular in US English but plural in UK English). Word’s proofing tools are programmed to follow these specific rules, which can lead to differing results.
  2. Dictionaries and vocabularies: The dictionaries used for US and UK English might not be identical, which can affect how words are recognized and flagged as errors.
  3. Algorithmic differences: The algorithms behind the proofing tools might be slightly different for each language variety, which can result in varying levels of strictness when it comes to grammar and spelling.

Now, for a solution:

Option 1: Use a third-party grammar checker
Consider using a third-party grammar checker like Grammarly, which supports both US and UK English. These tools often have more advanced algorithms and larger dictionaries, which can help catch more errors.

Option 2: Set up Word to use both proofing languages
You can set up Word to use both US and UK English proofing simultaneously. Here’s how:

  1. Go to File > Options > Language.
  2. Click on Add a language and select English (United States).
  3. Repeat step 2 to add English (United Kingdom).
  4. Make sure both languages are set to Default.
  5. Close and reopen your document.

This way, Word will check your document against both US and UK English rules, which might help catch more errors.

Option 3: Use a style guide
In addition to relying on Word’s proofing tools, consider using a style guide like the Chicago Manual of Style (for US English) or the Oxford Style Guide (for UK English). These guides provide detailed rules and conventions for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

I hope this helps clarify things for you What do you think? Have any other questions?