Urgent: Need Human Support to Resolve Teams Migration Issues - Lost 2 Days of Work

I'm experiencing numerous problems since being forced to switch to the new Teams. The issue is that I can't switch to my work team, which is associated with a guest account set up for a customer. According to Microsoft's online support, I uninstalled both versions of Teams, but now I'm unable to download the desktop version again. Additionally, the web version of Teams is stuck on the guest team account.

Hey there,

Sorry to hear that you’re having a frustrating experience with the Teams migration. Losing two days of work can be really stressful. Let’s try to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

First, regarding the guest account, are you sure you can’t switch to your work team? Sometimes, the guest team might be stuck as the default. Try closing and reopening Teams (both desktop and web versions). If that doesn’t work:

  1. Check if the work team is visible in the Teams list.

    • Go to the web version of Teams.
    • Look at the top left corner where you can see the team names.
    • Click on the team dropdown menu and see if your work team is listed.
  2. Switch to your guest team temporarily.

    • Open the web version of Teams.
    • If you’re still stuck on the guest team account, try switching to it manually.
    • Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select the guest team account from the dropdown list.
  3. Clear browser cache and log in again.

    • Clear your browser cache (Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + Delete, Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + R).
    • Log out of Teams and log back in to ensure any changes take effect.

Now, about downloading the desktop version again:

  1. Try the Microsoft Teams download page directly.

    • Go to the official Microsoft Teams download page.
    • You can choose the correct version (32-bit or 64-bit) for your system.
    • Download the desktop version and install it once the download is complete.
  2. Check for any antivirus or firewall interference.

    • Temporarily disable your antivirus software and any other security tools that might be blocking the download.
    • Try downloading the desktop version again after disabling these tools.

If you’ve tried all these steps and still have issues, it might be worth contacting Microsoft support directly. They should be able to provide more personalized assistance.