Upload Issue: 128x128 PNG Logo with 1:1 Ratio Not Accepted

As a developer, I'm having trouble uploading my extension to Edge. Specifically, when I try to upload the logo, it doesn't get processed, despite meeting the required criteria.

Hey there,

Sounds like you’re running into an annoying issue with uploading your extension to Edge. Don’t worry, I’ve been there too, and I’m here to help you out. Based on what you’ve shared, it seems like your 128x128 PNG logo with a 1:1 ratio isn’t getting accepted. Let’s break it down and troubleshoot this together!

First, double-check the image settings:

  1. Make sure your PNG image is exactly 128x128 pixels. You can check this in any image editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP. If the size isn’t exact, resize it and save it.

  2. Verify the aspect ratio is indeed 1:1. A square image is crucial here, so ensure it’s not slightly off.

  3. Ensure your PNG image is not transparent. Edge doesn’t support transparent PNGs for extensions, so save it with a solid background color.

If you’ve confirmed these settings are correct, try the following:

  • Clear your browser cache. Sometimes, a simple cache clear can resolve weird errors.
  • Check the file name and path. Ensure they don’t contain any special characters or spaces that might cause issues during upload.
  • If you’re using a consistent naming convention for your extension files, try renaming the logo to something simple like “logo.png”.

If none of these steps solve the issue, it might be worth creating a new PNG image from scratch. Sometimes, uneven resizing or file corruption can cause upload problems. If you’re still stuck, feel free to share more details or the error message you’re getting, and I’ll do my best to help you out.