Unsolicited Calls from Bing Contractor - Whats Going On?

I’ve received repeated calls from a company asking about my business hours and address. After the first call, I took control of my business listing on Bing for Business, linking it to a Microsoft account and importing the necessary information. Despite this, the calls continue. My question is: Does Microsoft or Bing employ contractors or operate call centers to verify information, and do they conduct call campaigns like this?

Bing’s verification process can be a bit confusing. Here’s the lowdown on what might be happening:

It’s possible that the calls you’re receiving are from third-party contractors who are hired by Bing to verify business listings. Yeah, you read that right – third-party contractors. These contractors often work on a freelance or contract basis to help Bing keep their business listings up to date and accurate.

Now, you’ve taken the right steps by claiming your business listing on Bing for Business and linking it to your Microsoft account. That should, in theory, reduce the likelihood of these calls. However, it’s possible that there was a lag between you updating your information and these contractors getting the memo.

Here are some steps you can take to try and stop these calls:

  1. Verify your listing again: Double-check that your business listing on Bing for Business is accurate and up to date. Make sure your hours, address, and contact information are correct.
  2. Report the calls to Bing: If you receive another call, politely let the contractor know that you’ve already verified your listing and ask them to report it to Bing. You can also reach out to Bing’s support team directly and let them know what’s going on. They might be able to help you stop the calls.
  3. Block the contractor’s number: If the calls persist and you’re able to get the contractor’s phone number, consider blocking it. This should stop the calls from that particular number.
  4. Keep an eye on your listing: Periodically check your business listing on Bing to ensure it remains accurate and up to date. This will help prevent any potential issues that might trigger these verification calls.

It’s also worth noting that Bing sometimes partners with other companies to help verify business listings. These partners might be the ones making the calls. So, if you do receive another call, try to get more information about the company they represent and pass it along to Bing’s support team.

I hope this helps you get rid of these pesky calls. Good luck