Uninvited Guests: Hearing Others in MS Teams Meetings

Has anyone experienced a situation where meeting attendees could hear audio from other ongoing meetings? It's like some kind of interference or crosstalk that seeps into the call. I've ruled out screen-sharing audio, external app audio, and background noise outside the meeting room as possible causes. The issue persisted even after multiple attempts to reconnect, with voices still audible in the background.

Hey there, fellow Teams user!

What you’re describing sounds like some kind of audio bleed or cross-talk issue. I’ve seen this before, and it can be frustrating. Here are a few things to check:

First, ensure that your meeting settings are correct. Go to the Teams meeting settings and verify that the “Allow attendees to unmute” option is turned off. This can prevent unwanted audio from leaking into your meeting. If this doesn’t solve the issue, try the following steps:

  1. Check for overlapping meetings: Make sure there aren’t any overlapping meetings happening in the same space or with the same attendees. Sometimes, when meetings clash, audio can bleed over.
  2. Disable Video-Based Screen Sharing: Video-based screen sharing can sometimes cause audio to bleed from one meeting to another. Try disabling it and see if the issue persists.
  3. Audio Conferencing Settings: Check your Audio Conferencing settings to ensure that the “Welcome music” option is turned off. If it’s on, it might be causing the issue.
  4. Update Your Teams Client: Ensure that you’re running the latest version of the Teams client. Sometimes, updates can resolve issues like this.
  5. Test with Different Audio Devices: Try switching to a different audio device to rule out any hardware-specific issues.
  6. Reach Out to Your IT: If none of the above steps solve the issue, it’s possible there’s a server-side issue. Reach out to your IT department and ask them to investigate.

Remember to test each solution individually to isolate the root cause of the problem. Good luck resolving this, and let me know if you need further assistance