Unable to Take Azure AI 102 Exam

I successfully registered for an exam using a company-provided voucher and received a confirmation. However, when I tried to access it, I was redirected to MS Learn but couldn't find any guidance on how to proceed, despite following the steps suggested by PearsonVue. I have taken screenshots and recorded my screen as evidence. Now, I'm unsure what to do and would like to obtain a new voucher and schedule a new exam.

I'm also having trouble finding the right product to select for this issue, as there's no "others" option. It's frustrating that there's no straightforward way to contact a support person about this problem. The system really needs to be more user-friendly.

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble taking the Azure AI 102 exam. I totally get how frustrating that can be!

First, let’s tackle the product selection problem. You’re right that there isn’t an “others” option, but we can work around that. Since the issue involves accessing the exam, try selecting “Microsoft Learn” as the product. This should get your issue routed to the appropriate support team.

Now, let’s break down the steps to get help with your exam issue:

  1. Submit a support request: Go to the Microsoft Support page and click on “Contact Support.” Fill out the form with details about your issue, including the voucher registration, the redirect to MS Learn, and your difficulties proceeding further. Make sure to attach your screenshots and screen recordings as evidence.

  2. Reach out to PearsonVue: Although you’ve already tried their suggested steps, you might want to give them another shot. Reach out to PearsonVue’s support directly and explain the situation. They might be able to offer additional guidance or assistance.

  3. Seek assistance from your company: Since the voucher was provided by your company, try reaching out to your IT or training department to see if they have any direct contacts or solutions that can help you resolve this issue. They might have experience with similar problems in the past.

Regarding the lack of user-friendliness in the system, I completely understand your point. It’s indeed frustrating when things don’t go smoothly. Hopefully, by following these steps, you’ll be able to get the help you need to take your exam successfully.

Good luck, and let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help