Unable to Remove Calendar Appointment Notes

I'm having trouble deleting a message linked to a calendar appointment.

I can delete the appointment itself and edit the message to be at least 3 characters long, but I can't remove the message entirely.

The issue is that the message disappears from the appointment details but remains in the calendar list view when sorted by category.

Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a solution or workaround?


Hey there, I totally understand your frustration with this issue.

This problem seems to be related to how Outlook handles notes or descriptions associated with calendar appointments. Here’s a step-by-step solution you can try to completely remove the message from the calendar appointment:

  1. Open the Calendar Appointment: Double-click on the calendar appointment to open its details.

  2. Edit the Description: In the appointment details window, click inside the text box containing the note you want to remove. Delete all the text, making sure it’s completely blank.

  3. Save the Appointment: Click “Save & Close” to save the changes.

  4. Refresh the Calendar View: Go back to your calendar view and press F5 to refresh. This should update the list view.

  5. Check Category Sorting: Sort your calendar appointments by category again. The note should now be completely removed from the list view.

If this doesn’t work, you might want to try closing and reopening Outlook or even restarting your system. Sometimes, these simple steps can clear out any caching issues that might be causing the problem.

Let me know if this helps, and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask.