Unable to Receive Emails

After using a local SIM in Vietnam for three weeks, I've lost access to new emails and a specific folder. I switched back to my original SIM using hotel Wi-Fi to receive a security code and reset my password, but I still can't see or read new emails from the past three days or access the folder. What's the solution? I'm about to switch back to the Vietnamese SIM. Any help is appreciated. My email account is with Hotmail.

Hey, sorry to hear that you’re struggling with your email access after switching back from your Vietnamese SIM.

First, before you switch back, let’s troubleshoot this a bit. Based on your description, it seems like there might be some syncing issues going on. Here are some steps you can try to resolve this:

  1. Clear your Outlook app cache: Sometimes, a simple cache clear can resolve sync issues. Close the Outlook app, go to your device’s settings, find the app settings for Outlook, and clear the cache. This will remove any temporary data that might be causing the issue.

  2. Check your email account settings: Double-check that your Hotmail account settings are correct. Ensure your username, password, and server settings are all correct. You can do this by going to the Outlook app settings, then account settings, and finally, checking the server settings.

  3. Try manual sync: Open the Outlook app, go to the folder list, and manually sync your emails by pulling down the list or tapping the sync button. This might force a refresh of your email list and folders.

If none of these steps work, there are a few other possibilities. Your email provider might be blocking your access due to the SIM switch, or there could be an issue with your account itself.

Here are some additional steps you can take:

  1. Check your email provider’s settings: Log in to your Hotmail account via a web browser, go to the security settings, and check if there are any restrictions or flags due to the SIM switch. You might need to confirm your account activity or update your security settings.

  2. Reach out to Hotmail support: If you’ve checked everything and still can’t access your emails or folder, you might need to contact Hotmail’s support directly. They can help diagnose any issues on their end and resolve the problem.

Before you switch back to your Vietnamese SIM, try these steps to resolve the issue. If you continue to have problems, you might want to consider resetting your email account or seeking further assistance from Hotmail’s support team.