Unable to Access Secondary Email Account

I have multiple Outlook accounts and can easily access emails from both on my Android phone using the Outlook app. However, on my new Windows 11 laptop, I'm having trouble doing the same. When I go to View and then Settings, I don't see an Accounts button or tab. How can I access both email accounts within the Outlook app without having to log out of one and log in to the other?

Setting up multiple Outlook accounts on your Windows 11 laptop can be a bit tricky, but I’m here to guide you through it.

First, let’s clarify things. You’re using the new Outlook app on Windows 11, right? If that’s the case, you should be able to see a unified inbox where all your email accounts are combined. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Outlook: Start by opening the Outlook app on your Windows 11 laptop.
  2. Settings: Go to the Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner.
  3. Accounts Tab: On the Accounts tab, you’ll see all your email accounts listed.
  4. Manage Accounts: You can add new accounts or manage existing ones from here.

Now, if you don’t see the Accounts tab, make sure you’re using the new Outlook:

  1. Check Your Outlook Version: Ensure you’re using the latest version of Outlook by going to Settings > View settings > Accounts > Email accounts. If you don’t see these options, you might be using the classic Outlook. You can check how to add accounts in classic Outlook if needed.

Additionally, ensure that you’ve set up your accounts correctly:

  1. Add Accounts Correctly: If you haven’t already, add both Outlook accounts using the correct steps. For detailed instructions on adding accounts, check out the Microsoft support page.

If you’re still facing issues, you might want to troubleshoot account setup by going through the Microsoft support resources for adding email accounts to Outlook for Windows.

Lastly, remember that you need to set up your accounts using the same method in both Outlook versions. If you’re using POP accounts, make sure the accounts are configured correctly.

Hope this helps you get everything up and running smoothly. Let me know if you have any more questions.