Teams incorrectly shows Out of Office status despite only having busy events on calendar

Why does Teams display my status as "Out of Office" when my calendar only shows a "busy" event? I'm physically present in the office, but occupied with a meeting.

Here’s what might be happening:

When you mark an event as “busy” in your Outlook calendar, it is indeed supposed to display your status as busy in Teams. This indicates that you are unavailable for meetings and conversations during that time.

However, sometimes Teams can get a bit confused and display “Out of Office” instead. This might occur if the busy event you created in your Outlook calendar has a specific keyword in the title or description. There are some known keywords that can trigger this behavior, such as “out of office” or “OOO.” If your event title includes anything like this, it might be causing the issue.

To fix the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Check the event title and description: Open the busy event in your Outlook calendar and make sure there are no keywords that could be causing the confusion.

  2. Update the event title and description: If you found any suspicious keywords, remove them and save the event.

  3. Clear the cache: Sometimes clearing your Teams cache can help resolve the issue. Just close Teams, open Task Manager, and end the Teams task. Then, reopen Teams.

  4. Wait a bit: Allow a few minutes for Teams to sync with your calendar. If you’ve made changes to your event, it might take a little time to reflect properly.

  5. Check Teams again: Open Teams and see if your status is now displayed correctly as busy.

If none of these steps solve the problem, you might want to reach out to your IT support team for further assistance, as there could be some internal configuration issues causing the problem.

Remember, staying busy and productive is what it’s all about - glad we could troubleshoot this together