Synchronizing Subscribed Folders Taking Forever - Cant Send Urgent Emails


Could you please explain why the "Synchronizing subscribed folders" function is taking so long? I'm unable to send urgent emails. I would appreciate it if you could provide a solution as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Hey there,

I totally get how frustrating it can be when you need to send urgent emails and Outlook decides to take its sweet time. The “Synchronizing subscribed folders” function can indeed slow things down.

Here are a few things you can try to speed up the process or manage the delay:

Step 1: Check Your Outlook Updates

  • Ensure your Outlook is up to date with the latest updates. Sometimes, updates resolve synchronization issues.

Step 2: Disable Unnecessary Folders

  • Take a closer look at the folders you’ve subscribed to. Are there any folders you no longer need or use frequently? Disable them. This might reduce the amount of data being synced. Go to File > Account Settings > Subscribe > More Settings and untick unnecessary folders.

Step 3: Manage Folder Synchronization Settings

  • You can limit the amount of data being synced. Go to File > Account Settings > Subscribe > More Settings, then under “Download email for the past,” change the setting to a shorter period (e.g., 1 week). This way, fewer emails will be synced at once.

Step 4: Close and Reopen Outlook

  • Sometimes, just restarting Outlook can help. Close Outlook, wait for a few seconds, and reopen it. This might force a refresh of the synchronization process.

Step 5: Check Internet Connection

  • Double-check your internet connection. If it’s slow, it could be contributing to the delay.

If none of these steps help, you can try resetting your Outlook profile as a last resort. This will delete all your local data, so make sure you have everything backed up. If you’re still having issues after that, it might be worth reaching out to your email provider or IT department for further assistance.

Hope these steps help you get back to sending those urgent emails quickly!

Have a great day.