Sudden spike in editing time: 1300 minutes added in just 20 minutes


I've been exploring the use of total editing time to track project duration. While reviewing document version history, I noticed a discrepancy in the editing time counter. It jumped from 158 minutes at 10:57am to 1600 minutes at 11:16am on the same day. Can anyone explain why this might happen?


Hey there!

That’s quite a sudden spike you’re seeing. I’ve had my share of dealing with unexpected changes in editing time, and I’m here to help you out.

First, let’s break down the possible reasons behind this issue:

  1. Multiple users editing simultaneously: If multiple users were working on the document around the same time, their combined editing time could’ve contributed to the sudden increase. You can check the document’s version history to see if there were multiple users active during that time frame.

  2. Document complexity: If the document contains a lot of complex elements like tables, charts, or images, it might take more time to process changes. This could’ve caused the editing time to spike.

  3. Network connection issues: A slow or unstable network connection can lead to delays in syncing changes, which might result in inflated editing time. Check if there were any network issues around that time.

  4. Document corruption: In some cases, document corruption can cause unexpected changes in editing time. You can try creating a new copy of the document and see if the issue persists.

To get to the bottom of this, here’s what you can do:

  1. Review the document’s version history: Go through the version history to see if there were any unusual changes or activities during that 20-minute period.

  2. Check for multiple user activity: Look for any signs of multiple users working on the document simultaneously, as mentioned earlier.

  3. Investigate network issues: Reach out to your IT department or check your network logs to see if there were any issues around that time.

  4. Test the document: Create a new copy of the document and see if the editing time behaves normally.

If none of these steps help you identify the cause, you might want to reach out to Microsoft support for further assistance.

Let me know if you need any more help or clarification