Stuck on BitLocker Recovery ID Screen with No Further Options

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Problem Summary:

After a hardware replacement, the system is prompting for a BitLocker recovery ID. The technician couldn't find the ID and submitted a request. I received the key ID and entered the BitLocker serial number, but it displayed a QR code and an error message saying it will automatically restart.

Error Message: QR code and automatic restart error.

What I've Tried: I've tried entering the 48-digit BitLocker recovery serial number multiple times, but it still shows the same error.

Screenshot: Unfortunately, I'm unable to upload a screenshot as the upload is failing automatically.

Hey there Sorry to hear you’re stuck on the BitLocker recovery ID screen.

First, let’s break down what’s happening. It sounds like the technician replaced some hardware, which triggered BitLocker to go into recovery mode. You got the recovery ID from the request, but when you entered it, you’re seeing a QR code and an error message saying the system will restart.

Here are a few things to try:

  1. Double-check the recovery ID: Make sure you’re entering the correct 48-digit ID. It’s easy to miss a digit or two, so triple-check that you’re entering it correctly.

  2. Try entering the ID in a different format: Sometimes, the format of the ID can cause issues. Try entering the ID without any spaces or dashes. If that doesn’t work, try entering it with spaces or dashes in the correct positions (e.g., 6 groups of 8 digits, separated by spaces).

  3. Disable Secure Boot: Sometimes, Secure Boot can interfere with BitLocker recovery. To disable it, follow these steps:
    a. Restart your system and enter the BIOS settings (usually by pressing F2, F12, or Del).
    b. Look for the Secure Boot option and set it to Disabled.
    c. Save the changes and exit the BIOS settings.
    d. Try entering the recovery ID again.

  4. Try a different keyboard: It’s possible that the keyboard is causing the issue. If you have access to a different keyboard, try plugging it in and entering the recovery ID again.

  5. Contact Microsoft Support: If none of the above steps work, it’s possible that there’s a more serious issue with your system. You can contact Microsoft Support for further assistance. They may be able to help you resolve the issue or provide additional recovery options.

Remember to stay calm and patient – we’ll get through this