Signing into MS Teams on My Phone with Both School and Work Accounts

I'm experiencing an issue with multiple accounts. When I try to sign in to each, I get an error AADSTS50020: User account from identity provider '...' does not exist in client and cannot access the application... This problem doesn't occur when I only have one Teams account. Additionally, when I view all my accounts, I see duplicates with mixed email addresses. How can I resolve this issue?

I totally get it, dealing with multiple accounts on Microsoft Teams can be a real pain. The error you’re seeing, AADSTS50020, usually means that there’s a conflict with your identity provider (Azure Active Directory, in this case). To resolve this and clean up the duplicate accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Remove all Teams accounts from your phone: Go to your phone’s settings, find the Microsoft Teams app, and delete all associated accounts. This will ensure you start from a clean slate.
  2. Sign in with your school account: Open Microsoft Teams and sign in with your school account credentials. This will set it as your primary account.
  3. Add your work account as an additional account: Within the Teams app, go to your profile picture (top left), tap your profile, and select “Add account.” Enter your work email and password. This should add your work account without overwriting your school account.
  4. Merge duplicate accounts: If you still see duplicates with mixed email addresses, try the following:
    • On your phone, go to the Teams app, and swipe right to access the “You” section (your profile).
    • Tap the ellipsis (…) next to your work account and select “Switch account.”
    • Repeat this process for each duplicate, switching between your school and work accounts. This should merge the duplicates.

Now, here’s the important part: Use different login methods for each account. When signing in, make sure you’re using the correct login method (school/work) to avoid the identity provider conflict.

For your reference, here are some general tips to avoid these issues in the future:

  • Use different browsers or incognito modes for each account when accessing Teams on your computer.
  • Log out completely when switching between accounts to avoid any mixed credentials.
  • Avoid using the same login credentials for both school and work accounts, if possible.

By following these steps and tips, you should be able to sign in to both your school and work accounts on your phone without encountering the AADSTS50020 error. Good luck