Side by Side Configuration Error: How to Resolve?

I’m experiencing an issue with the Voicemod app on my Windows 11 system. Suddenly, it stopped working and displays an error message stating “Application failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more details.” I’ve tried troubleshooting steps suggested on YouTube, but none of them have resolved the problem. Can anyone help me understand why this is happening and how to fix it?

Hey there!

So you’re having trouble with Voicemod on Windows 11 and got that pesky “side by side configuration” error. I’ve got some steps that might help you resolve the issue.

First Things First: Side by Side Configuration

This error usually means one of the versions of the C++ Redistributable isn’t installed on your PC. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Check C++ Redistributable:

    • Open the Start menu and type “Control Panel”.
    • Go to “Programs and Features” (in Category view) or “Uninstall a program” (in Icons view).
    • Look for any Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installations.
    • If you have multiple versions installed, try uninstalling all and then reinstalling the latest version.
  2. Application Event Log:

    • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type “eventvwr” and press Enter.
    • Look for event logs related to the Voicemod application.
  3. sxstrace.exe Tool:

    • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type “sxstrace trace -logfile:Voicemod_sxstrace.log” and press Enter.
    • Run the Voicemod application again with the error.
    • Go to the directory where you ran sxstrace and open the log file to check for errors.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

In case the above steps don’t work, here are some more:

  1. Disable Exclusive Mode:

    • Open Voicemod.
    • Go to Settings → Advanced settings.
    • Disable the “MIC EXCLUSIVE MODE” switch.
  2. Reset the Windows Mixer:

    • Open Voicemod.
    • Go to Settings → Advanced settings.
    • Disable the anti-popping mode and MIC EXCLUSIVE MODE.
    • Open the Start menu and type “Settings”.
    • Go to “System” → “Sound”.
    • Look for “Advanced sound options” and go to “App Volume and device preferences”.
    • Click on “Reset”.
    • Restart Voicemod completely.
  3. Reinstall Voicemod:

    • If none of the above steps work, uninstall and reinstall Voicemod with the latest version available.
  4. Firewall Settings:

    • Ensure that Voicemod is allowed through the Windows Firewall. You can do this by:
      • Opening Control Panel.
      • Going to “System and Security”.
      • Selecting “Windows Defender Firewall” and then “Allow an app or feature”.
      • Making sure Voicemod is selected to be allowed.

These steps should help you resolve the side by side configuration error and get Voicemod running smoothly on your Windows 11 system. Good luck