Sharing Minecraft Across Multiple Accounts: Is It Possible?

I created a Microsoft account, but I kept entering incorrect passwords. Now, I'm locked out and can't sign back in. Is it possible to transfer my Minecraft data to a different account?

Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiast I totally feel you - getting locked out of your Microsoft account can be super frustrating. But don’t worry, I’ve got some good news for you: yes, you can transfer your Minecraft data to a different account. Here’s how:

First, let’s get one thing clear: you’ll need to have access to the original account’s Minecraft data on your PC. If you’re locked out of the account, you might need to try recovering your password or reaching out to Microsoft support to get back in.

Assuming you can access the data, here are the steps to transfer your Minecraft world to a new account:

  1. Locate your Minecraft data folder: On your Windows 10 PC, navigate to %appdata%\.minecraft (you can paste this into your File Explorer’s address bar). This folder contains all your Minecraft worlds, settings, and other data.
  2. Copy the data folder: Select the entire .minecraft folder and copy it to a safe location, like an external hard drive or a cloud storage service like OneDrive or Google Drive. This will ensure your data is backed up in case anything goes wrong.
  3. Create a new Microsoft account: If you haven’t already, create a new Microsoft account that you’ll use to access Minecraft from now on.
  4. Sign in to Minecraft with the new account: Launch Minecraft on your PC and sign in with your new Microsoft account. This will create a new Minecraft data folder for the new account.
  5. Replace the new data folder with the old one: Navigate back to the %appdata\.minecraft folder and delete the new, empty folder that was just created. Then, paste the copied .minecraft folder from step 2 into this location. This will replace the new folder with your old data.
  6. Launch Minecraft again: Start Minecraft, and you should see all your old worlds and data available under your new account.

Some important notes to keep in mind:

  • This process will transfer your Minecraft worlds, but not your purchasing history or other Microsoft account-specific data.
  • If you’ve purchased Minecraft from the Microsoft Store, you might need to reinstall the game or reactivate it with your new account.
  • Be careful when copying and replacing files to avoid data loss or corruption.

Hope this helps, and happy crafting with your new account