SharePoint Link Behavior Varies by User

I have multiple links on my SharePoint site, each linking to a specific OneNote page.

When I search for these links in SharePoint, I can click on them and they automatically open in OneNote.

However, when others search for and click on these links, they don't open directly. Instead, a black preview appears, prompting them to either open the link in the app or download it, and then open the downloaded file.

I've tested this with a colleague who has the same access and admin rights to the SharePoint site and OneNote, but we experience different behaviors when clicking on the links. What could be causing this difference?

We've already updated our Chrome browser and Windows laptop to the latest versions, but the issue persists.

Hey there So, you’re experiencing different behavior with links to OneNote pages on SharePoint when you and others click on them.

Here are a few possible things that could be causing this difference:

Different Default Apps

  1. Default OneNote App: Check if you have the desktop version of OneNote set as the default app for opening .one files on your laptop. This could be different for your colleague. To do this, go to your Windows settings, then click on “Apps” and then “Default apps”. Ensure that the OneNote app is selected as the default for .one files.

SharePoint Configuration

  1. Link Directives: Review the link directives for the OneNote pages on SharePoint. This could impact how the links are handled for different users. Ensure that the links are configured to directly open in the OneNote app.

User Settings and Permissons

  1. User Permissions: Verify that all users have the same permissions to access the SharePoint site and the linked OneNote pages. If some users have restricted access, it could affect how the links operate.

Browser Configuration

  1. Browser Settings: Even though you’ve updated Chrome, there might be some variation in how individual browser settings are configured. Ensure that your colleagues have the same settings as you, especially any OneNote-related plugins or extensions.

Additional Steps

  1. System Defaults and Cookies: Clear browser cookies and try resetting system defaults for OneNote and SharePoint to see if any temporary issues are resolved.

By checking these potential causes, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue causing the different behavior.