Set Default Email Client for PowerPoint Links in Windows

Fix for Windows 11

To set your preferred email client, follow these steps:

Search for 'Default apps' in the taskbar, then switch the Email setting to your desired mail client.

Fixing the default email client on Windows 11 for PowerPoint links:

So you’re having an issue where clicking email links in PowerPoint or other apps on Windows 11 opens up in the webmail instead of Outlook 365. Let’s solve this!

  1. Set Default Mail Client in Windows:
    Open the Start menu and type ‘Default apps’.

  2. Switching the Email Client:
    Select ‘Default apps’ from the search results. Under the Email section, you’ll see the current default email app. Just click on that and select ‘Outlook’ from the dropdown. This will set Outlook as your default email app for all links.

  3. Ensuring Outlook is Selected for MAILTO Links:
    In the same ‘Default apps’ window, you may need to specify Outlook for mailto links to ensure they open directly in the Outlook app. Underneath, where it says ‘Set a default for a file type or link type,’ type ‘MAILTO’ and click on the search icon. When ‘MAILTO’ is found, click on it and choose Outlook from the list.

  4. Double-Checking Default Apps in Settings:
    If you still have trouble, head to the Windows Settings and navigate to ‘System’ > ‘Default apps’. Under ‘Email,’ ensure it’s set to ‘Outlook.’

With these steps, Outlook 365 should be your default email client for all links, including those embedded in PowerPoint presentations.