Sending Emails with Attachments using Mail Merge


I'm looking for a way to send mass emails with attachments using mail merge. Does the current Outlook Mail Merge feature support this? If not, can anyone suggest an alternative solution?

Note: I'm using a Windows PC. Thanks.

Looking forward to hearing back soon!

Hey there So you’re looking to send mass emails with attachments using mail merge, and you’re wondering if Outlook’s current feature supports this. Here’s the deal:

Outlook Mail Merge Support

Unfortunately, the standard Outlook Mail Merge feature doesn’t support attaching files directly. You’ll need to use third-party add-ins or scripts to make it work. This limitation is pretty frustrating, but there are solutions that can help.

Using Third-Party Add-ins and Scripts

These add-ins and scripts, like the “Merge Tools Add-In” and “Mail Merge Toolkit,” can handle attachments for you. Here’s how they work:

  1. Merge Tools Add-In:

    1. Download and extract the add-in zip folder.
    2. Open Word and go to Merge Tools > Merge with Attachments.
    3. Select the attachment column in your Excel spreadsheet.
    4. Choose how you want to send the emails (e.g., email message, Word document, or PDF).
    5. Add any other details like the subject line and click Continue.
  2. Mail Merge Toolkit:

    1. Download and extract the toolkit.
    2. Open the script provided and follow the prompts to attach files to your merged emails.

Other Options

If you don’t want to use third-party tools or scripts, you can consider using GMass with Gmail. It provides features for attaching files and managing email deliverability.

Key Points

  • The standard Outlook Mail Merge doesn’t support attachments.
  • Use third-party add-ins or scripts like “Merge Tools Add-In” or “Mail Merge Toolkit” to attach files.
  • If you prefer using Gmail, you can use GMass for a similar solution.

Hope this helps you figure out how to send those mass emails with attachments using mail merge