Restore Open With Option in Windows 11 Right-Click Menu

In Windows 11, when I right-click a file in File Explorer, the "Open with" option is missing from the context menu.

Even after clicking "Show More Options", it's still not available.

Is there a way to restore this option?


Hey there I’m happy to help you with that pesky “Open with” option in Windows 11.

The first thing you should try is the quick fix. When you right-click a file in File Explorer, click “Show More Options” or hold the Shift key while right-clicking. This should bring back the classic right-click context menu with the “Open with” option.

If that doesn’t work for you, let’s dive into some other solutions.

Through Settings

  1. Go to Settings:
    • Click the Start button and select the “Settings” app.
    • Navigate to “Applications” and then “Default Applications”.
    • Scroll down and select “Choose defaults by file type”.
    • Check if the options have been restored for the specific file types you’re having issues with.

Registry Hack

  1. Download the Registry Modification File:
    • Visit the How-to-Geek guide, which provides a one-click registry hack.
    • Download the file and unzip it.
    • Run “win11_classic_context_menu.reg” to apply the hack.
    • Restart your PC.
  2. Manual Registry Edit:
    • Open the Registry Editor:
      • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
      • Type “regedit” and press Enter.
    • Navigate to the Correct Key:
      • Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32.
    • Create or Modify the Registry Key:
      • Create a new string value named (Default) and set its value to {86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}.
    • Verify the Change:
      • Restart your PC and check if the “Open with” option is back in the right-click menu.

Additional Resources

For even more detailed steps and alternative methods, I recommend watching this [YouTube tutorial].

Hopefully, one of these methods will get your “Open with” option back in the right-click menu. Let me know if you need further assistance