Restore Default Inbox View in Windows Mail

My inbox email view has suddenly changed and I'm unable to restore it to its original format.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Hey there!

Don’t worry, it happens often: Outlook view can change unexpectedly. Here’s how you can reset it back to the default view:

Part 1: Basic Troubleshooting

  1. Reset View Button

    • Open Outlook.
    • Click on the View tab.
    • In the “Current View” group, click the Reset View button.
      This will restore the default Mail View settings. (Note: This only affects the current folder, so you’ll need to repeat for each folder.)
  2. Run Outlook with Command Line Parameters

    • Press Win + R to open the Run dialogue box.
    • Type outlook /cleanviews and hit Enter.
      This will delete all custom view settings, reverting to the default view.

If these steps don’t fix the issue, try the advanced methods below:

Part 2: Advanced Troubleshooting

  1. Safe Mode

    • Press Win + R to open the Run dialogue box.
    • Type outlook /safe and hit Enter.
      If the issue persists in safe mode, it might be related to your Outlook profile.
  2. New Profile

    • Go to the Control Panel.
    • Click on Mail.
    • Click Show Profiles.
    • Click New to create a new Outlook profile.
    • Add your email account to the new profile for testing.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure your Outlook version is up-to-date, as changes in the interface might cause issues.
  • Check your DPI scaling settings if you switch between monitors with different resolutions.
  • Always save your backup before trying major changes to prevent data loss.

I hope this helps you get your inbox back to how you like it. Let me know if you encounter any more issues.