Recovering a Hacked or Lost Windows Account: Help Needed

I'm having trouble recovering an account with Microsoft. The account recovery team keeps rejecting the request. Does anyone have any advice?

Hey there, really sorry to hear about the trouble you’re having recovering your Microsoft account If the recovery team keeps rejecting your requests, it’s worth double-checking a few details to make sure you’re providing the right info. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Gather 情報 and documentation: Make sure you have all the necessary details ready to prove ownership. This includes:

    • The exact username and email address associated with the account
    • The date you created the account (approximate is fine if you don’t remember exactly)
    • Any old phone numbers or emails linked to the account
    • Any security questions and answers
    • A copy of your government-issued ID (if requested)
  2. Check your security info: Ensure the recovery email and phone number are up-to-date. If you’ve lost access to them, try to regain access to the recovery email or phone first.

Here are some additional tips when submitting your request:

  • Be thorough and detailed in your explanation. Explain exactly how you lost access, and the steps you’ve taken so far.
  • Be patient. Account recovery can take some time.

If you’ve tried all of this and the recovery team still rejects your request, it might be worth creating a new account and transferring as much data as possible to the new one. This might be a last resort, but it can help you move forward. Good luck