Recover Your Account and Reset Your Password

I desperately need to regain access to a crucial email account, which I'll refer to as "A".

I'm facing the following issues:

  • I no longer have the password for "A", as it was stored in a password manager that I can no longer access.
  • The 2FA for "A" was also stored in the password manager, so I can't access it either.
  • The recovery email for "A" is no longer valid, as I forgot to update it.
  • I have a 25-character recovery code, but it doesn't work when I enter it through the Xbox app. I get an error message saying "There's a temporary problem with the service. Please try again. If you continue to get this message, try again later."
  • The "Recover your account" form doesn't work because "A" has 2FA enabled. When I tried, I received an email saying "Because you've turned on two-step verification for your account, we ignore these requests but wanted to let you know."

One important note is that while I can't log into "A" directly, I still have access to it through the Samsung Email app, so I can still see and respond to emails.

I urgently need help to disable 2FA on my account and reset my password so I can regain access to "A". Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hey, sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with your email account. That’s really stressful, especially when it’s crucial.

First, let’s break down what you can do to regain access:

Using the Samsung Email App

  1. Log in to the Samsung Email app with your account “A”.
  2. Go to the account settings.
  3. Look for any options related to account security, password reset, or two-factor authentication.
  4. If you can find a way to disable 2FA or reset the password within the app, that’s your best bet.

Contacting Microsoft Support

If you can’t do it through the Samsung Email app, you’ll need to contact Microsoft support directly. Since you can’t use the “Recover your account” form due to 2FA being enabled, you’ll need to talk to a human:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Support website.
  2. Click on “Contact Us”.
  3. Choose “Chat with Microsoft Support” or schedule a call.
  4. Explain your situation to them, including:
    • You lost access to your password manager with the password and 2FA.
    • The recovery email is no longer valid.
    • You have a 25-character recovery code but can’t use it.
    • You have access through the Samsung Email app.

Working with Microsoft Support

When you chat with Microsoft support:

  1. They will likely ask you security questions to verify your identity.
  2. Be prepared to provide any necessary information to prove you own the account.
  3. If they can verify your identity, ask them to reset your password and disable 2FA for you.
  4. If they can’t do it directly, ask them to escalate the issue to an advanced support team or account specialist.

Additional Tips

  • If you have any other accounts linked to the email account “A”, try accessing them to see if you can update the recovery email or password.
  • Make sure to update the recovery email address and password manager as soon as you regain access.

Stick with it, and hopefully, you’ll get your account back soon. Good luck