Receiving bosss emails in my Outlook inbox as a delegate

As a delegate with access to someone else's inbox, folders, and calendar, I'm receiving their emails in my own inbox, causing confusion. Is it possible to keep these emails separate?

Hey there, having a delegate nightmare, eh? Don’t worry, I got you covered.

First off, let’s clarify why this is happening. As a delegate, you’re automatically set up to receive copies of emails sent to the person you’re delegating for. This is a default Outlook setting, and it’s designed to keep you in the loop.

Now, to separate these emails from your own inbox, you have a few options:

Option 1: Create a separate folder

  1. In Outlook, go to your main inbox and click on New Folder.
  2. Name this folder something like “Delegate Emails” or “Boss’s Emails.”
  3. Right-click on the new folder and select “Properties.”
  4. In the Properties window, click on the “Home Page” tab.
  5. Uncheck the box that says “Show in Favorites” to keep it out of your main inbox view.

Now, whenever you receive an email as a delegate, you can move it to this new folder to keep it separate. Just drag and drop the email into the folder.

Option 2: Use Rules

Another way to handle this is by setting up Rules in Outlook. Here’s how:

  1. Go to File > Manage Rules & Alerts.
  2. Click on New Rule.
  3. Select “Start from a blank rule” and click Next.
  4. Select “Check messages when they arrive” and click Next.
  5. In the Conditions section, select “Where my name is in the From list” (since you’re receiving these emails as a delegate).
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Actions section, select “Move it to the specified folder.”
  8. Click on the “specified” link and select the folder you created in Option 1 (or create a new one).
  9. Click OK to save the rule.

With this rule in place, Outlook will automatically move delegate emails to the designated folder, keeping your main inbox clutter-free.

Option 3: Change the Delegate Settings

If you don’t want to receive these emails at all, you can adjust your delegate settings:

  1. Go to File > Account Settings.
  2. Click on Delegate Access.
  3. Select the person you’re delegating for.
  4. Uncheck the box that says “send a copy of meeting-related messages to me.”

This will stop the emails from coming to your inbox altogether. However, keep in mind that you might miss important messages if you’re not careful.

Which option works best for you? Let me know if you need further clarification or have any other questions.