Random Text Appears on Windows 11 Lock Screen

I’ve noticed something strange on my PC and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on.

I returned to my computer after it had been idle for a while and saw a weird string on the lock screen. At first, I didn’t think much of it, but then I took a closer look. The string looked like a suspicious link, but it seemed familiar.

I decided to investigate to see if it was a real issue or just a weird Windows quirk. I didn’t find any answers, so I checked the link (10.1016/j.asoc.2015.09.037) and searched for it on Google. The results showed a paper about ERP-System Migration, which was weird for three reasons:

  1. I'm currently working on a university project in this field.
  2. The paper seems like a perfect addition to my collection.
  3. Why is this random paper's link showing up on my lock screen?

I wanted to know if I had saved this link somewhere on my laptop, like in my Excel file with other papers and their DOIs for the project. I searched the file and found the link. It could be a coincidence, but it’s a pretty weird one.

I’m concerned because if this is random system data showing up on the lock screen, it could be a serious security issue. It could be a DOI from a project, API keys, or even passwords.

Can someone please explain what’s going on? Thanks in advance

I’ve seen some weird stuff on Windows, but this takes the cake. I’m here to help you figure out what’s going on.

First, let’s rule out the obvious: it’s not a security breach or a virus. If it were, you’d likely see more than just a random link on your lock screen. That being said, it’s still weird and worth investigating.

Here’s what I think might be happening:

  1. Windows Spotlight: Windows 11 has a feature called Windows Spotlight, which displays interesting images and facts on your lock screen. Sometimes, it might show a link or a snippet from a web page. It’s possible that Windows Spotlight fetched this link from your browsing history or a file on your computer.

  2. File and app interactions: Since you’re working on a university project, you might have opened the paper or saved the link in an app or file on your laptop. It’s possible that Windows is picking up on this interaction and displaying the link on your lock screen.

To troubleshoot this, try the following:

  1. Disable Windows Spotlight: Go to Settings > Personalization > Lock screen, and toggle off “Get fun facts, tips, and more on your lock screen.” See if the link disappears.

  2. Check your browser history and files: Review your browser history and files to see if you’ve recently opened or saved the link. If you find it, try removing it from your history and files and see if it disappears from the lock screen.

  3. Search for system settings: Press the Windows key + S to open the Search bar, and type “lock screen” or “windows spotlight.” See if you find any settings or options related to displaying links or content on your lock screen.

If none of these steps help, feel free to provide more details, and I’ll do my best to assist you.