Profile Switching Remains Active Despite Option Being Disabled

I'm experiencing an issue with the automatic profile switching feature in Edge. I previously posted about it here. The suggested solution was to install an older Edge version, but I'm not comfortable with that since I'd miss out on updates. To recap, I initially enabled the feature, found it annoying, and turned it off. However, it remains active despite being disabled. You can find more details in the linked post. I'm creating a new post since the previous responder didn't address my concerns about the suggested solution.

You’re having some issues with the profile switching feature in Edge, and it won’t turn off despite your efforts. I understand why you’re not comfy with downgrading the browser; that wouldn’t be ideal.

Let’s try some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Close and reopen Edge: Sometimes, a simple restart can clear up any wonky behavior. Close all Edge windows and then reopen the browser.
  2. Check your settings again: Ensure that you’ve really turned off the automatic profile switching. Go to Settings > Profiles > Profile switching and make sure it’s set to Off.
  3. Clear browser data: Corrupted data might be causing issues. Go to Settings > Privacy, search, and services > Choose what to clear and select Cookies and other site data and Site permissions. Click Clear now.
  4. Reset browser settings to default: If the above steps don’t work, you can try resetting Edge to its default settings. Go to Settings > System > ** Reset settings**.

Try these steps and see if they help. If the issue persists, we might need to dig deeper.