PowerPoint Save Error Crashes SharePoint


We're experiencing an issue with a SharePoint site where users, who recently upgraded to Windows 11, can open PowerPoint files but encounter an error when trying to save them, regardless of the file type or location. This issue only occurs with PowerPoint files from this specific SharePoint site and not with files from other sources. Interestingly, users can copy and paste the slides into a new file and save it without issues, suggesting the files aren't corrupted. While this workaround is possible, it's not a viable solution given the large number of files involved. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Hey there,

Thanks for explaining the issue you’re facing. I understand it can be frustrating, especially with a large number of files involved. I’ve got some suggestions to help you troubleshoot and maybe even fix the problem. Here’s my take:

Firstly, considering the issue only occurs with PowerPoint files from this specific SharePoint site, let’s focus on the SharePoint side of things. Here are some steps to explore:

  1. Check SharePoint permissions: Ensure users have the necessary permissions to edit and save files in the SharePoint site. It’s possible some permission changes might have been made during the Windows 11 upgrade.
  2. Verify SharePoint settings: Review the SharePoint site’s settings, specifically the file handling and saving options. There might be some new restrictions or configurations that are causing the issues.
  3. Disable SharePoint add-ins: Temporarily disable any SharePoint add-ins related to file handling or PowerPoint integrations. Sometimes, these add-ins can interfere with the save process.

Now, since you mentioned users can copy and paste slides into a new file and save it without issues, it’s likely not a file corruption problem. However, to cover all bases:

  1. Run PowerPoint file repair tool: There’s a built-in repair tool in PowerPoint. Open PowerPoint, go to File > Open, select the problematic file, and click the arrow next to the Open button. Choose “Open and Repair” to see if it resolves any file issues.
  2. Try saving in a different format: Have users try saving the files in different formats like .ppt or .pdf to see if the issue persists.

Lastly, it might be worth checking if there are any specific PowerPoint or Office updates available, especially targeting Windows 11 users.

Let me know if you’ve tried these steps or if you need further assistance.