Permanently Erased Emails: How to Retrieve?

I need help recovering emails that were permanently deleted on 23/06/2024 from my Outlook account. Unfortunately, my account was compromised, and the hacker used it to access my Steam Account, deleting all related emails instantly. Can I get these emails back?

Hey there, sorry to hear that your Outlook account got hacked and your emails were deleted. I’m here to help you recover them.

Unfortunately, retrieving permanently deleted emails can be challenging, especially if they were deleted recently. Microsoft typically retains deleted emails in the ‘Recover Deleted Items’ folder for a short time, but this period may vary depending on your Outlook settings and plan.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Recover Emails

  1. Sign in to your Outlook account: Ensure you are logged in to your Outlook account using your credentials.
  2. Access the Recover Deleted Items Folder:
    • In your Outlook account, click on the ‘Deleted Items’ folder.
    • Right-click on ‘Deleted Items’ and select ‘Recover Deleted Items From Server’.
    • This will show you a list of deleted emails that are still recoverable.
  3. Look for Your Emails:
    • Check the recovered list for the deleted emails related to your Steam account.
    • If you find them, right-click on each email and choose ‘Move to Folder’ to move them back to your Inbox or any other folder you prefer.
  4. Third-Party Email Recovery Tools:
    • If the Recover Deleted Items Folder doesn’t have your emails, you might need to consider using third-party email recovery tools or services.
    • These tools can scan your Outlook account and try to recover deleted emails.
    • Use them with caution as they can also potentially compromise your privacy and security further.

Additional Security Steps

  1. Change Your Outlook Password:
    • Immediately update your Outlook password to prevent any further unauthorized access.
  2. Secure Your Steam Account:
    • Update your Steam account password as well, as the hackers might have access to your credentials.
    • Also, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra security layer.
  3. Monitor Your Accounts:
    • Regularly check your email and Steam account for any suspicious activities.

Another important step to protect your accounts and emails in the future is to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) and use strong and unique passwords.

Remember, not all deleted emails can be recovered, and the likelihood of recovery decreases over time. Be cautious with third-party recovery tools, and prioritize securing your accounts right now to prevent any further unauthorized access.