PC Wont Boot: PSU Fan and Case Fans Running at Full Speed

My computer won't boot up and displays a "No Network" error. I've tried swapping out the HDMI cable, but the issue persists. When I first plug it in, the fans are relatively quiet, but after 30 seconds, they start spinning at an extremely high speed. I've also tried reseating the RAM and CPU, but the problem remains.

Please assist me in resolving this issue.

Hey there, sorry to hear your PC won’t boot up. That high-speed fan noise is usually a sign of a bigger issue. Let’s troubleshoot this step by step.

First, the “No Network” error is likely a red herring, so let’s focus on the fans spinning out of control. This could indicate a power supply unit (PSU) issue or an overheating problem. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Unplug everything: Shut down your PC, unplug the power cord, and press the power button for 30 seconds to discharge any residual power. This is called a power drain.
  2. Check your PSU: Ensure your PSU is seated properly and all cables are securely connected. If you have a modular PSU, try removing any unnecessary cables.
  3. Inspect your CPU cooler: Make sure the CPU cooler is properly seated and the thermal paste is applied correctly. If you’re using a liquid cooler, check for any leaks or blockages.
  4. Monitor your system temperatures: Download a system monitoring tool like HWiNFO, GPU-Z, or AIDA64. These tools can help you identify if there’s an overheating issue.
  5. Try a different power outlet: It’s possible there’s an issue with your power outlet or the electrical circuit it’s on. Try plugging your PC into a different outlet to rule this out.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it’s possible your PSU is failing or there’s a more serious hardware problem. You may want to consider seeking professional help or replacing your PSU if it’s old or of poor quality.

Keep me posted on how these steps go, and we can further troubleshoot from there