PC Sign-in Location Shows Incorrect Address - Why?

I was able to log in to my account from my computer without any issues, and it looks like my account is secure since there were many failed login attempts. However, I'm concerned that my login location is showing up in a different state than where I am.

Hey, thanks for sharing your concern about the incorrect login location showing up in your Microsoft Edge account.

First, let’s break down why this might be happening. It’s possible that your IP address is being misinterpreted, which can happen for a few reasons:

  • IP Geolocation Errors: Sometimes, IP geolocation services can make mistakes when trying to pinpoint your location. This can happen if the service has outdated or incorrect data about your IP address.
  • VPN or Proxy Use: If you’re using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a proxy server, it might be masking your actual IP address and making it appear as though you’re logging in from a different location.
  • ISP Issues: Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) might be routing your traffic through a server in a different state or region, which could be causing the incorrect location to show up.

To troubleshoot this issue, try the following steps:

  1. Check Your IP Address: You can use an online tool like WhatIsMyIP.com to find out your current IP address. Compare this to the location showing up in your Microsoft Edge account. If they don’t match, it might be an IP geolocation error.

  2. Disable Any VPN or Proxy: If you’re using a VPN or proxy, try temporarily disabling it to see if your login location updates correctly. This will help you determine if the issue is related to your VPN or proxy usage.

  3. Contact Your ISP: Reach out to your ISP’s customer support to ask if they’re routing your traffic through a server in a different state or region. They might be able to provide more information about why this is happening.

  4. Update Your Browser and OS: Make sure your Microsoft Edge browser and operating system are up to date, as updates often include security patches and bug fixes that might resolve issues like this.

  5. Clear Your Browser Cache: Sometimes, clearing your browser cache can help resolve issues like this. Press the Windows key + R, type %localappdata%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\, and delete the files in that folder. Then, restart your browser.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, you might want to consider reaching out to Microsoft Support for further assistance.