OneDrive Sign-in Issue

I'm having trouble signing in to OneDrive. My system keeps trying to log me in using saved information, but after multiple attempts, I get an error message saying, "Something went wrong and we can't sign you in right now. Please try again later. The Microsoft account login server has detected too many repeated authentication attempts. Please wait a moment and try again."

This is happening on a Windows PC where I have my password saved.

Hi there,

I totally understand how frustrating it can be to get stuck with a sign-in issue like this. I’ve got a few steps you can take to resolve the problem and get back to using OneDrive.

First, let’s start by clearing out the saved login credentials from your Windows PC. This might be causing your system to keep trying to log in with the wrong information, which is likely triggering the error message. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Credential Manager: Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box. Type rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr and press Enter. This will open the Credential Manager.
  2. Look for the saved OneDrive credentials: Check under the “Windows Credentials” section for any entries related to OneDrive. You might see something like OneDriveCache or MicrosoftAccount.
  3. Remove the saved credentials: Select each OneDrive-related entry and click “Remove”. Confirm the deletion if prompted.

Once you’ve removed the saved credentials, try signing in to OneDrive again. If you’re still getting the error, let’s take it a step further:

  1. Check your Microsoft account: Make sure your Microsoft account is not locked out or having any issues. Try signing in to your Microsoft account from a web browser to see if you can access it successfully.
  2. Wait for a bit: The error message says to wait a moment and try again. Sometimes, this really is the best solution. Wait for about 30 minutes to an hour, then try signing in again.
  3. Clear your browser cache: If you’re using a web browser to sign in, clear the cache and cookies. This might help resolve any temporary issues with your browser session.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, feel free to let me know, and I can offer more assistance