Old Verification Email Address No Longer Valid

I need to update my verification email address because the current one is no longer accessible. However, when I try to make changes, I'm asked to enter a code sent to the old email. Alternatively, I'm offered another method that lists a phone number I've never used and isn't associated with my account. How can I update these details?

Hey there,

That’s a tough spot to be in. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

You’re stuck because Microsoft is trying to verify your identity before letting you update the email address. Since you no longer have access to the old email, you can’t receive the verification code. Here’s what you can do:

Option 1: Use Microsoft’s Online Support

  1. Head over to Microsoft’s online support: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/contactonline
  2. Sign in with your Microsoft account.
  3. Explain your situation to the support agent; let them know you need to update your verification email address but can’t receive the code.
  4. They should assist you in updating the email address.

Option 2: Use the Microsoft Recovery Form

  1. Go to the Microsoft Recovery Form: https://account.live.com/acsr
  2. Fill out the form with your Microsoft account details and explain that you need to update your verification email address.
  3. Be clear about not having access to the old email and the phone number listed is incorrect.
  4. Submit the form, and Microsoft will review your request.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure you have all the necessary information about your account ready, such as the account creation date, payment history, and any other relevant details.
  • Be patient and courteous when dealing with Microsoft support. They’re there to help!
  • After updating your verification email address, consider adding a recovery email and phone number to ensure you’re not stuck in this situation again.

Give one of these options a try, and you should be able to update your verification email address without too much hassle. Good luck