Office 2021 Personal Digital Attachment (FMVD52095P ESPRIMO D7011/HX) - May 2022 Edition

I'm having an issue with Office authentication. After a long period of not using it, when I try to sign in to Office in June 2024, I'm prompted to sign in again. Even after downloading the 2021 version from the Store and repairing it, I still get the same error. Can someone please help me with a solution?

Hey there, you’re not the only one facing this issue, especially if you hadn’t used Office for a while.

First, let’s try a straightforward approach to resolve your authentication problem.

  1. Sign out and Sign back in: Make sure you sign out from Office on your machine. Open any Office application, like Word or Excel, and click on the profile picture or your initials in the upper-right corner. Click on Sign out, then close all Office apps.

  2. Check your account status: Head over to the Microsoft website and ensure your account is active and there are no issues with your subscription. Sign in with your Microsoft account credentials, and verify everything is up to date.

  3. Delete Office credentials: Sometimes, stored credentials might cause the problem. Press the Windows Key + R, type rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr, and hit Enter. This opens the Credential Manager. Under Windows Credentials, look for any Office-related credentials and remove them.

  4. Restart & Sign back in: After deleting the credentials, restart your machine. Then, open an Office application and sign back in using your Microsoft account.

If none of the above steps help, it’s possible that there might be some other issue with the Office installation itself.

  1. Uninstall Office: Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features. Locate Microsoft Office and select Uninstall. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation.

  2. Clean up remaining files: Download and run the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool (also known as the Microsoftilateral tool). This will help clean up any remaining Office files and settings.

  3. Reinstall Office: After the cleanup, download and install Office from the Microsoft Store or the official Microsoft website.

If you’ve tried all these steps and still have trouble with Office authentication, feel free to reply with more details, and I’ll do my best to help you troubleshoot