Not Receiving Emails from Room/Resources


I'm having an issue and I need assistance.

We're not receiving emails from Teams rooms or resources.

Hey there,

I see you’re not getting emails from Teams rooms or resources. Let’s troubleshoot this together. Here’s what might be happening:

  1. Room/Resource Permissions: Ensure that the relevant people have permission to manage the room or resource. If they don’t have permission, they won’t receive emails. Check if the correct users are added as “Room Crushing” or “Resource Booking” managers.

  2. Email Settings: Go to the “Settings” within Teams > "Organization > “Meeting settings”. Make sure “Email meeting requests to room mailboxes” is toggled “On”. This ensures that Teams sends emails to the room email address whenever there’s a meeting request.

  3. Room/Resource Email Integration: Verify that the room/resource email addresses are set up correctly and have the correct email forwarding rules. Go to “Teams Admin Center” > "Voice > “Teams Rooms”. For each room, check if the email addresses are right and if the account is active and not blocked.

  4. Teams Admin Center: Under “Teams Admin Center” > “Other settings”, ensure that “Email integration” is not blocked or disabled. Also, check if there are any throttling policies that might be limiting email delivery.

  5. Server-Side Issues: It’s possible there might be server-side issues affecting email delivery. You can try checking the Teams Admin Center for any system notifications or alerts related to email or infrastructure issues.

  6. Local Firewalls or Security Software: Ensure that no local firewalls, antivirus software, or security policies are blocking the emails from Teams rooms/resources.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, try contacting Microsoft Support for further assistance. Hope this helps you figure out what’s going on