No Data in Bing Webmaster Tools since April 12, 2024: Zero Impressions, Clicks, Backlinks, and Site Explorer

My website,, has had zero data and activity in Bing Webmaster tools since April 12, 2024. There are no recorded impressions or clicks, no visible backlinks, and the Site Explorer is empty. I'm worried about this sudden loss of visibility and data, and I need help to fix these issues and get my site visible on Bing search results again.

If you’re not seeing any data in Bing Webmaster Tools since April 12, 2024, there could be several reasons for this sudden loss of visibility. Here’s a step-by-step plan to help you resolve these issues and get your site visible on Bing again:

1. Verify Your Site in Bing Webmaster Tools:

Step 1. Ensure you have verified your site in Bing Webmaster Tools correctly. Sometimes, verification can expire or be invalid without your knowledge.

Step 2. Re-verify your site by adding a CNAME record in your DNS settings or placing a verification file in your site’s root directory.

2. Check Site Crawl Issues:

Step 3. Look for any crawl issues in the Bing Webmaster Tools. Crawling issues can prevent Bing from indexing your site.

Step 4. Address any reported crawl errors or issues.

3. Review Your Site’s Backlinks:

Step 5. Use third-party tools to check your site’s backlinks, as they might not always be reflected instantly in Bing Webmaster Tools.

Step 6. Ensure your backlinks are valid and not classified as spam.

4. Analyze Site Content and Optimizations:

Step 7. Review your site’s content and ensure it follows Bing’s content guidelines.

Step 8. Verify your site is optimized properly for various media formats, like videos and images.

5. Monitor Site Performance:

Step 9. Monitor your site’s performance by checking for any issues related to page loading, such as slow load times or JavaScript errors.

Step 10. Use Google PageSpeed Insights or similar tools to identify any performance bottlenecks and address them.

6. Contact Bing Support:

Step 11. Reach out to Bing Support if the above steps do not resolve the issue. Provide detailed information about your site and the steps you’ve taken so far.

Final Steps:

Step 12. Regularly update and refresh your site with new content to stimulate crawling activity.

Step 13. Monitor your site diligently and make adjustments as needed.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve any issues and regain visibility for your site in Bing search results.