Newly Built PC Crashing with BSOD Errors - Need Help with Minidump Analysis

I'm experiencing blue screen of death errors on my new PC. I performed a clean install of Windows, downloaded drivers from my motherboard's website, and installed the latest graphics card driver from NVIDIA's website. Initially, I encountered numerous memory_management errors, but removing one stick of RAM seemed to improve the situation. However, the errors eventually returned. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could analyze these minidump files and offer assistance.

minidump files: (1 stick of RAM)
Old minidump files from yesterday: (2 sticks of RAM)

Hey there Sorry to hear your new PC is experiencing BSOD errors.

First, let’s start with the good news - you’ve already taken some great steps to troubleshoot the issue. Removing one stick of RAM did seem to improve the situation, which suggests that RAM might be the culprit. Here’s what I’d like you to do next:

  1. Run a memory test: Since the issue seems to be related to RAM, let’s run a thorough memory test. You can use tools like MemTest86+ or Windows’ built-in Memory Diagnostic Tool. Run the test for at least 8 passes to ensure you catch any potential errors.
  2. Check your RAM configuration: Make sure you’re running your RAM in a supported configuration. Check your motherboard manual or website to see if it recommends a specific configuration for your RAM sticks.
  3. Update your BIOS: Ensure your BIOS is up to date, as outdated BIOS can cause compatibility issues with your RAM. You can check your motherboard manufacturer’s website for updates.
  4. Analyze the minidump files: I’ll take a look at the minidump files you provided. The first file ( was uploaded when you had 2 sticks of RAM, and the second file ( was uploaded when you had 1 stick. This will help me identify any patterns or clues that might point to the root cause.

Based on the minidump files, I’ll provide more specific guidance. In the meantime, please let me know the results of the memory test and BIOS update.

Also, just to cover all bases, have you tried running your system with just the other stick of RAM to see if the issue persists? This might help us narrow down the problem.