My Recent Polls Section Not Displaying Previous Polls

I'm trying to create multiple polls for an upcoming meeting, all with similar settings (evaluating presenters). I'd like to reuse a poll I've already created, but it's not showing up in the "My recent polls" section. I've even tried creating a new poll in a different meeting, starting it, answering it, and closing it, but it still doesn't appear in the "My recent polls" section.

Can anyone explain what determines which polls show up in that section?

The “My Recent Polls” section can be a bit finicky. Here’s the deal: this section only shows polls you’ve created, and there are a few specific conditions that must be met for a poll to appear there.

The main condition is that the poll must have been created by you, the user, in the same Teams tenant. So, if you created a poll in a different tenant (like for another company or organization), it won’t show up in your “My Recent Polls” section.

Here’s a step-by-step rundown to ensure your polls show up:

  1. Make sure you’re in the right tenant: Ensure you’re logged in to the correct Microsoft Teams tenant where you created the polls.
  2. Poll creation conditions: The poll you created must meet the following criteria:
    • It must be created by you, the user.
    • It must be created in a meeting or a chat.
    • It must have at least one option.
    • It must have been started (not just created).
  3. Check your meeting settings: If you’re creating polls for a meeting, ensure the meeting is scheduled and not expired.
  4. Poll status matters: The poll must be in either the “Active” or “Closed” state. If the poll is in draft state or deleted, it won’t show up.
  5. Tenant admin settings: If none of the above works, it’s possible your tenant admin has restricted or customized the poll feature. Reach out to them to confirm.

If you’ve checked all of these conditions and your poll still isn’t showing up, try creating a new poll following these guidelines, and see if that one appears in the “My Recent Polls” section.

Hope this helps you get your polls in order for your meeting