My Microsoft Rewards Account Has Been Suspended

Hello Rewards Team,

You are aware that my rewards account was restricted without a valid reason, but I was able to recover it with the help of the rewards team. Similarly, my family members' Gmail accounts, including my brother's, father's, and sister's, have been suspended without any reason.

I hope this issue will be resolved soon. When filling out a ticket, we encountered an error, and a screenshot is attached. Thank you for your support so far.
Thank You

Hey there, sorry to hear about the issues with your family members’ Microsoft Rewards accounts. Glad the team was able to help you recover yours earlier.

Regarding the Error While Submitting a Ticket:

First, let’s tackle the error you encountered when filing a ticket. This might be due to some temporary glitch on the Microsoft side. Here are some steps you can try:

  1. Clear browser cache and cookies: Sometimes, a simple cache clear can resolve such issues. Close all browser windows, then reopen and try submitting the ticket again.
  2. Try a different browser: If the above step doesn’t work, try accessing the Microsoft Support page from a different browser to see if it’s browser-specific.
  3. Check your internet connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable, as any disruptions might cause errors during the submission process.

Resolving the Suspended Accounts Issue:

For your family members’ suspended accounts, you can follow these steps:

  1. Gather information: Collect the necessary details, including the exact error messages (if any) and the email addresses associated with the suspended accounts.
  2. Contact Microsoft Support: Reach out to Microsoft Support either through their website or by calling their support number. Be prepared to provide the gathered information to help them investigate the issue.
  3. Escalate if necessary: If the initial support doesn’t resolve the issue, ask to escalate the case to a higher-level support team or a supervisor for further assistance.

Additional Tips:

  1. Verify account security: Ensure all accounts have strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication enabled to minimize the risk of future suspensions.
  2. Monitor account activity: Keep a close eye on account activity to quickly catch any unusual behavior that might indicate a reason for suspension.

Final Thoughts:

Stay patient and persistent while working with the Microsoft Support team. Sometimes, it may take a little time to resolve issues, especially if it involves multiple accounts. Keep me updated on your progress, and if you need any more assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck