Muting Ongoing Channel Conversations: A Step-by-Step Guide


In the past, we could mute notifications for specific threads within a channel, not the entire channel.

When can we expect this feature to return? Receiving hundreds of notifications for conversations that don't concern me is becoming overwhelming, and I only check Teams a few times a day.

How to turn off individual channel notifications in the "New" Teams - Microsoft Community

How to mute an ongoing conversation in a General channel - Microsoft Community

Kind regards

Hey there, so you’re having issues with the constant flood of notifications for channel conversations in Microsoft Teams. I totally get it - it can be overwhelming.

The feature you’re talking about isn’t entirely gone, but it might not be where you think it is. Here’s the situation:

  • No Mute Option Inside the Conversation Thread: The option to mute specific conversations or threads directly from the three dots at the top right of each thread has indeed been removed. It used to be there, but it was taken out in a recent update. Sorry about that!

  • Channel Mute vs. Thread Mute: There’s still an option to mute the entire channel. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Open your Teams app and go to the channel you want to mute.
    2. Hover over the channel below the chat header and click on the three dots.
    3. From the dropdown, select ‘More options.’
    4. In the next dropdown, click ‘Mute.’

This will effectively mute all notifications from that channel. However, if you want to turn off individual channel notifications, there’s a slightly more convoluted process.

  • Turning off Individual Channel Notifications:
    1. In Teams, go to the top right corner and click on your profile picture or initials.
    2. Click on ‘Preferences.’
    3. Scroll down to ‘Notifications.’
    4. Under ‘Channel notifications,’ toggle off the switch next to ‘Notify me about posts in this channel.’

This will disable notifications for that channel, but it’s not the thread-specific mute you’re looking for.

Microsoft is continually updating and refining its tools, so it’s possible that we might see the return of the feature you’re missing in the future. For now, use these workarounds to manage your Teams notifications.