MS Teams on Android: Staying Logged Out Issues


I use the MS Teams app on my personal Android smartphone (Google Pixel) to communicate with colleagues at work.

However, I'm having trouble controlling the app.

Firstly, when I close the app, it restarts on its own without asking me. I want to be able to stop it when I'm on vacation so I don't receive work notifications.

But even after closing the app, I still receive notifications. Why does it start up again automatically?

Secondly, notifications seem to appear randomly - sometimes on my work desktop, sometimes on both my desktop and mobile, which is unnecessary.

Lastly, the app often shows me as available (green status) even when I'm not actively using it, like when I'm just browsing on my phone.

How does MS Teams determine my status?

Thanks in advance,


It sounds like you’re dealing with some annoying issues with the MS Teams app on your Android device. Let’s tackle each one:

  1. App Restarting Automatically:

    • To stop the app from restarting automatically, you need to adjust your Android settings. Here’s how:
      1. Go to your device’s Settings.
      2. Navigate to Apps or Application Manager (this may vary depending on your Android version).
      3. Find the Microsoft Teams app and select it.
      4. Look for the Battery or Power Management options (again, this might vary).
      5. Disable the Background activity or any similar setting that allows the app to run in the background.
  2. Notifications:

    • For notifications to only appear on one device or another, you’ll need to adjust your Teams notification settings. Here’s how:
      1. Open the Microsoft Teams app.
      2. Tap on Settings (three dots or lines, depending on the app version).
      3. Go to Notifications.
      4. Select the desired notification behavior for each device (mobile or desktop).
  3. Available Status:

    • MS Teams uses various factors to determine your status, including:
      • Activity: If you’re actively using the app, you’ll show as available.
      • Device: If your device is connected to the Teams service, you might be considered available.
      • App Background: Even if you’re not actively using the app, it still runs in the background, which can cause the green status.

To manage your status, you can try manually updating it within the app:

  • Open Microsoft Teams.
  • Tap on your Profile Picture.
  • Select your desired status from the dropdown menu.

Additionally, ensure your Teams app is updated to the latest version. If these steps don’t help, you might want to consider reinstalling the app or clearing its cache/data as mentioned in similar issues.

Hope this helps you control the app better and resolve these issues.