Mobile Teams App Wont Open Planner


Our team of 8 is experiencing an issue with the Planner app in Teams on mobile devices, including both iPhones and Androids. When we try to open Planner, nothing happens - no error message or any other response.

As a workaround, we're using the Microsoft Planner app, but we'd prefer to access everything through Teams.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?


Hey there!

Sorry to hear that your team is encountering this issue with Planner on the mobile Teams app. I’m here to help you troubleshoot the problem.

First, let’s try the basics:

  1. Ensure that all users have the latest Teams app updated on their mobile devices.
  2. Have everyone sign out and sign back into the Teams app to refresh their session.

If that doesn’t work, here are some more steps to explore:

  1. Check the Teams app settings: Make sure that Planner is enabled. Go to the Teams app, tap the three horizontal lines on the top left, and then navigate to Settings > Apps. Look for Planner and ensure it’s turned on.
  2. Check the Planner app itself: Open the standalone Microsoft Planner app on the same device. If it works there, it rules out any device-specific issues. This also ensures that the Planner service is functioning correctly.
  3. Disable and re-enable the Planner tab: On the Teams app, go to the channel where Planner is integrated. Tap the three horizontal lines next to the channel name, and then click “Manage tabs.” Find the Planner tab and toggle it off, then back on. This sometimes resolves connectivity issues.
  4. Clear device storage and cache: Clear the Teams app storage and cache on each device to remove any temporary data that might be causing the issue.
  5. Contact IT or Admin support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it’s possible that there’s a configuration problem on your organization’s side. Reach out to your internal IT support or Microsoft Admin to investigate further.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, feel free to provide more details about your environment, such as:

  • Teams version
  • Device types (iOS/Android) and their respective OS versions
  • Any recent organization changes or updates

This will help narrow down the potential cause and find a solution.