Missing Conversation Styles in Android Capilot App: Where Are More Creative and More Precise?

I've noticed that the conversation style option on Android mobile Copilot only offers "more Balanced". What happened to the "more Creative" and "more Precise" options?

Hey there, I understand that you’re looking for more conversation style options in the Copilot app on Android, specifically the “more Creative” and “more Precise” styles. Here’s the deal:

First of all, the Copilot app is indeed available on both Android and iOS, and it offers three main conversation styles: Creative, Precise, and Balanced.

Here’s a quick rundown of each style:

  1. Creative:

    • This style provides elaborate and imaginative responses, which is perfect for tasks like writing short stories or coming up with creative names.
  2. Precise:

    • This style delivers concise and direct answers. It’s great for getting straightforward answers or information that doesn’t need extra flair, like math calculations or finding historical dates.
  3. Balanced:

    • This style offers a mix of both Creative and Precise responses, providing a balanced view. It’s helpful for tasks like planning a trip or getting product recommendations.

Now, about why you’re only seeing the “more Balanced” option on your Android device:

  • Check App Version:

    1. Ensure you’re running the latest version of the Copilot app on your Android device.
    2. If you haven’t updated the app in a while, you might need to download the latest version from the Google Play Store.
  • Sign-In or Sign-Out:

    1. Try signing out of the app and then signing back in.
    2. Sometimes, a simple log-out and log-back-in can refresh your settings and show all available options.
  • System Settings:

    1. Make sure your Android device is running the latest version of the operating system.
    2. Ensure that any related system settings or permissions haven’t been restricted.

If you’ve tried these steps and the “more Creative” and “more Precise” options still aren’t showing up, there might be a bug in the app or a compatibility issue with your device. You can either reach out to Microsoft support or wait for future updates to resolve the issue.

In the meantime, you can explore using other apps that offer creative and precise responses if the Copilot app isn’t meeting your needs.